Wednesday, January 5, 2011

* 2 0 1 1 *

Salam frens...

Here is wishing you dear a happy belated wonderful 2011 !
My apologies for the long absence and thank u for the support of mikylayna...
Many2 blessings to all of you...

Goodbye 2010... It was a rough year for me...

it started well but... ku sangkakan panas sampai ke petang,rupanya hujan di tengahari...

on august, i found out we were expecting our third baby ! we were over the moon, fyi, we had been trying for this baby for almost a year.
it went through well before i started having light spotting at 6w... went for an ultrasound and doc told me it was normal... i was relieved...

the spotting lasted almost 2 weeks plus minor cramp... at 8w, went again for ultrasound... with no heartbeat, i was asked if my first day of menstrual was right... hellloooo doc, xkanla diri sendiri leh lupa kan... i was sent home with threatened abortion... i started to feel that something was wrong...

at 10w, i went back for an ultrasound. i was fully expecting bad news... my baby has stopped growing and has no heartbeat... i was broken... it was missed abortion... since my body has shown no signs of expelling the pregnancy, i was advised to do D&C at HSI...

at 12w, ultrasound again... the HSI gynae seeing nothing in my uterus, but found my baby placed in my left fallopian tube... she explained to both of us what she had found. an ectopic pregnancy... i was in tears... i was scheduling for a laparoscopic surgery right away to remove my left tube and my baby from my body...

on next october, my family received the shocking news that my brother has brain tumor... He had an MRI and discovered 2 inch tumor. we were all devastated and praying hard for him....

the tumor is not cancerous... he started to lose his eyesight and that affected his daily activities... doctors suggested an open brain surgery but thinking all of the side effects, he decided not to...
right now, he's on alternative treatments... please pray for his recovery my dear frens...

one thing for sure, Allah knows best !


2 commenting:

ct_as said...

salam Sab...

moga Sab tabah...Dia Maha Mengetahui bagi setiap apa yg dititipkan kepada hambaNya.

Unknown said...

beratnya orang selalu kata " Allah takkan menguji hambanya lebih dari apa yang dapat ditanggung "

Moga tabah ye..dan sama2 la kite b'doa moga semuanya baik2 saja..